Hi viewers
In this video, we are trying to explain how styrene gas exposure affect human being as well as other flora and fauna. The uses of styrene in our daily life equipments like disposal cup, carrying case, polystyrene plastic, fibre glass, CD, pendrive, car dashboard, polish, paint, deodorant and many more.
Cigarette smoke also contains styrene causing cancer.
Side effects of styrene in human being.
And many more...
#Styrene Gas Exposure
Styrene Gas Exposerstyrene explosionstyrene structurestyrene Gas telugustyrene chemicalStyrofoamStyrofoam box pondVishakhapattanam Gas LeakageVizag Gas leakageLG Plant Gas LeakageLG Plant Styrene GasGas leakageGas leak explosionGas leak problemGas leak in Vizag hindiGas Leak Explosion Vishakhapattanamvizag newsvizag cityGas leak accidentvizag Gas leak tragedyगैस रिसावविजाग गैस रिसावविशाखापट्टनम गैस त्रासदीविशाखापत्तनम गैस रिसाव