"Musica Dolente" is dedicated to the innocent victims of the tragic events of Septemer 11, 2001. Aivars Kalējs: "The world has come close. What we give against violence that does not want to intermit on the earth? Love, true fraternal love."
Aivars Kalējs - "Musica Dolente" for symphony orchestra.
Conductor - Andris Nelsons, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
The record is included in CD "Latvian Symponic Music. 21st Century." Awarded in the International competition "Sinfonia Baltica" (2004)
Aivara Kalēja "Musica Dolente" (Sāpju mūzika) - diriģents Andris Nelsons, Latvijas Nacionālais simfoniskais orķestris. Veltīts 2001. gada 11. septembra notikumu nevainīgo upuru piemiņai; godalgots starptautiskajā konkursā "Sinfonia Baltica". Kalējs: "Pasaule ir pienākusi tuvu. Ko likt pretī varmācībai, kura negrib rimties zemes virsū? Mīlestību, īstu brāļu mīlestību."
Aivars Kalējs is a Latvian composer, organist and pianist. Studied with Nikolajs Vanadziņš, Ādolfs Skulte and Lūcija Garūta.
He has written about 100 opuses of symphonic, organ, piano, chamber and choir music. His works have been played in concerts around the world, published in editions such as Bärenreiter, Edition Peters and have won several composition awards, e.g. symphonic work "De Profundis''. His works are included in many CD's of the great musicians and collectives such as Iveta Apkalna and Latvian National Symphony Orchestra.
Kalējs has given concerts in almost all of the European countries, the USA, Canada, Japan and has participated in dozens of international organ festivals. Six solo CDs and participation in many CD recordings. He has performed with countless national symphony orchestras and collectives such as Kremerata Baltica and State Choir Latvija, as well as collaborations with many great musicians such as conductors Andris Nelsons and Pierre Cao, violinist Gidon Kremer, soprano Inessa Galante, French horn player Arvīds Klišāns, violist Maxim Novikov and cellist Alexander Kniazew.
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Aivars Kalējs: Musica Dolente / Andris Nelsons · LNSO
Andris Nelsons (Conductor)Aivars KalejsАйварс КалейсАйвар Калейсlatviešu simfoniskā mūzikalatvijas simfoniskā mūzikaLatvijas Nacionālais Simfoniskais Orķestris (Musical Group)21 gadsimtspiemiņaiSāpju mūzikaadolfs skultelucija garutaorganistērģelnieksлатышский композиторсимфоническая музыкаAivars KalējsLatvijas Nacionālais Simfoniskais Orķestris (Orchestra)Andris Nelsons (Musical Artist)