Snake plant propagation in water and soil by leaf cuttings.snake plants are very esy to propagate i will show you two methods.
1. Propagating Snake Plants with Cuttings.
This method is really no different than the water method, but it skips a step. Let the cut leaf callus over for a day or two, then insert the cut end into lightly moist sand in a container. Wait a couple of weeks and the plant will root on its own.
2. Rooting a Snake Plant in Water.
Choose a container tall enough to hold the leaf. Select a healthy leaf that is not too old and use clean, sharp shears to cut it off. Put the cut end of the leaf in just enough water to cover the bottom quarter of tissue. Place the container in an indirect light situation and change the water every couple of days. Soon you will see little roots. Plant the rooted leaf in sand or peat moss and follow usual snake plant care.
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Snake plant propagation in water and soil by leaf cuttings
snake plant propagation in water and soil by leaf cuttingssnake plant propagationhow to propagate snake plant cuttingsnake plantgrow snake plant from seedsnake plant cuttinghow to grow snake plant fastsansevieria plantgrow snake plant from leafsnake plant leafsnake plant propagation from divisionpropagation of snake plant2snake plant caresansevieriagardensnake plant propagation time2how to grow snake plantsnake plant in water