A Super Easy Trick to Cut Out Shadows for Compositing in Photoshop! Whether you are simply changing the background or creating a photo manipulation, learn how to use the original shadows of the subject on a new background.
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#lighting _effect,
Cut Out Original Shadows Effortlessly in Photoshop!
Fatima Homsiadd shadowblend modeschange backgroundcolor matchingcomposite shadows in photohopcompositingcompositing in photoshopcreate shadow in photoshopcut out background photoshopkeep original shadows in photoshopkeep shadows in photoshopphoto manipulationphotoshop tutorialphotoshop tutorialsrealistic shadowsreplace background photoshopshadows in photoshopunmesh dindaطريقة عمل الظل بالفوتوشوبفاطمة حمصي فوتوشوبcut out shadow