Third Generation imageRUNNER ADVANCE How to Video - Secure Watermark CanonUSA 1:30 2018-05-10 16:13 3 407 11 0 Информация: Скачать The Secure Watermark mode enables you to embed text in the background of copies. You can embed text, such as "CONFIDENTIAL," the date and time, or a department name. The embedded text becomes visible when the copies are copied. свернутьТеги securitytechnologycanonbusinessproblemssolvedenterpriseofficesoftwaresolutionshelpfullearningworkflowscanningprintingcost savingefficientsave moneyworkjobcareermanagementITtechintroductionfeaturesdirect connectionmobileauthenticationpicture loginzoomswipeprinterscannermultifunctioncopiershowroomenterpriceequipmentwatermark
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