Local SEO Keyword Optimization For Near Me - Chris Palmer SEO: [ Ссылка ]
In today's local search engine optimization video what I would like to showcase to you is a recent test that we deployed on a local Business website.
What this test will outline is not only the optimizations that we took to better rank for near me terms but I'll also outline the ranking improvements that we received after making these optimizations to our local site.
Near me and nearby terms are often some of the largest searched terms when talking about local marketing key phrases so optimizing for these is only in your best interest and what this video will do is Showcase how easily you can better show up for nearby and near me terms simply by adding it to your page.
If you have any questions related to local business optimization feel free to go ahead and ask in the section below .
Chris Palmer
30 Broad St
Tamaqua PA 18252
Local SEO Keyword Optimization For Near Me
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