The Hillbilly Hut Studio is finally consecrated! Today I made the first Boat Anchor Modular Jam (#15) in the new location, a corner of my recently built theatre. This is also the first time I try my new digital audio recorder, a Tascam DR40-X, improving my audio quality a lot.
In this BAMJ #15 alls sounds are generated by my Technotronix 310 (heavily circuit-bent with an external "bend-box") and the teletype service instrument ATE TDMS5 that I've turned into a drum machine and rythm generator. Sound processing is limited to delay and reverb plus some nice distortion from the over-driven DSP 256 sound effects processor.
The "melody" comes from operating the time base fine adjustment knob of the Tektronix oscilloscope. Since the trigger circuit will lock onto a set level, sweeping the time base frequency control will make the time base oscillator play subharmonic series on the input waveform. The "input" in the case of my circuit-bent "Technotronix" is generated internally in the Y-amplifier by feedback over a vien-bridge circuit between the amplifier input an the Y-deflection driver tubes. The steady high pitched note in the background is the "Y-oscillator" that feeds the sawtooth timebase generator playing the "melody".
The Tektronix 310A oscilloscope can be used as self-sustaining rythm generator by it's heavily modified square wave calibration oscillator, and can also be synchronised with the TDMS5, but the latter feature is not used in this BAMJ. Since it's a "jam", it's all improvised without any plan.
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