Ross Ulbricht, famously known as "Dread Pirate Roberts," was a young tech genius who, before turning 30, created the notorious dark net marketplace Silk Road in 2011. The site became the underground’s “Amazon,” revolutionizing the illicit trade economy. For a few Bitcoins—the revolutionary digital currency—you could buy drugs, forged documents, stolen credit cards, and even weapons.
Silk Road’s rise triggered a relentless two-year manhunt involving elite agents from the FBI, DEA, and counter-terrorism units. Ulbricht’s extraordinary caution and paranoia almost made him untouchable. But a single misstep—a trail left on a forum—allowed authorities to track him down, aided by data from tech giants like Google.
When arrested in 2013, Ulbricht, whose audacity knew no bounds, accused the FBI of illegally seizing his $33 million Bitcoin fortune. By 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison. Ulbricht’s story is a gripping saga of ambition, digital innovation, and the shadowy corners of the internet.
Documentary: White Collar Gangsters – Ross Ulbricht, Prince of Darknet
Directed by : Julie Peyrard
Production : Pallas Télévision
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