In a joint operation Bhopal police and Income tax department have found found 52 kg of gold and bundles of money in an abandoned car.The car was found abandoned in the jungle of Mendori in the Ratibad area."We were informed about an abandoned car parked in the jungle in the Ratibad area with 7-8 bags inside it. We informed IT department about it. When the bags were taken out we found 52 kg of gold (gold biscuits) and around Rs 10 crore cash. The car is registered in the name of Chandan Singh Gaur, who is from Gwalior and is at present living in Bhopal. Investigation is underway in the matter...," Priyanka Shukla, Dcp, Zone-1 Bhopal told PTI.In addition to the gold biscuits worth Rs 42 crore, the IT team also found Rs 10 crore in cash in the bags.
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