From the headlining show at Gagarin 205 in Athens on Saturday 21.4.2018.
Dance performed by Roxanne Sevastou.
Camera Crew: Elena Kontela, Alex Lychnaras, Giannis Albanelis
Post Production: Elena Kontela
Recorded and edited by George Giannikos
Mixed at Ritual Sound Studios by Dimitris Metaxakis
Mastered at Grindhouse Studios Athens by George Bokos
Naxatras - Garden of the Senses [Official Live Video]
psychedelic rockpsychedelicrockpsych rockprogressiveprogressive rockprog rockprogstonerstoner rockheavyheavy rockhard rockspiritualtribalexoticlightsvisualsgignaxatrasgreecelivestageshowtriplsdmysticalawesomeheavy psychvibesvideo wallconcertathensgagarin 205trippyspace rockstoned meadow of doommrstonebelieveri am the beyonderwavesofficialvidvideoviralIIIIIdancedancingblacklightglowdark666mrdoomdrugs