Telangana High Court will hear the case tomorrow, according to Hyderabad Police's request for T Raja Singh's re-arrest. Asaduddin Owaisi was recorded patronizing the "Sar tan se juda" mobster on a phone call, exposing AIMIM hypocrisy. According to BJP leader NV Subhash, T Raja has until September 2 to defend himself. Waris Pathan, the spokesperson for AIMIM, reiterates the condemnation position, but the actual situation with sloganeering is different. The MP asserted that the TRS administration had directed the dispatch of 2,000 police officers to ensure the safety of Faruqui's performance. He added that the comedian's previous performances had been postponed due to protests by Hindu organizations.
#sartansejuda #aimim #trajasingh
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