Title: Bodoland Accord Explained: History, Impact, NDFB, ABSU & Beyond
The Bodoland Accord is one of the most significant agreements in Assam's history, bringing peace to a region once marred by conflict. But what led to this landmark accord? How did organizations like NDFB (National Democratic Front of Bodoland) and ABSU (All Bodo Students' Union) shape its journey? And what has been its real impact on the people of Bodoland and the larger Northeast?
In this video, we’ll cover:
✔️ The historical background of the Bodoland movement
✔️ The evolution of the accords: 1993, 2003, and the 2020 Bodoland Accord
✔️ The role of ABSU and NDFB in the struggle and peace process
✔️ The impact of the accords on the Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR)
✔️ Key developments in governance, economy, and society after the accords
Join us for an in-depth analysis of the Bodoland Accord, exploring how it reshaped Assam’s political and social landscape while fostering peace and development in the region.
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