There are 2 rules for this video. First, the villain must actually die at the end of the encounter, not escape or live with low health. Second, as a more general rule, the more dramatic the death, the higher up on the list it goes.
Video managed by Lotthbrook
Video edited by Splitrift
-The List-
Intro: (0:00)
10) Varo’then (Well of Eternity): (0:11)
9) Argus the Unmaker: (1:51)
8) Y'Shaarj: (3:11)
7) Gul’dan (WC2): (4:38)
6) Archimonde (Battle for Mount Hyjal / WC3): (5:53)
5) Garrosh: (7:30)
4) Deathwing: (8:51)
3) Kil’Jaeden: (11:26)
2) AU Gul’dan: (11:56)
1) Lich King: (13:28)
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Top 10 Warcraft Villain Deaths
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