gauräìgera duöi pada, jär dhana sampada,
se jäne bhakati-rasa-sär
gauräìgera madhura-lélä, jär karëe praveçilä,
hådoya nirmala bhelo tär
Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Caitanya as their only asset knows the true essence of devotional service. If anyone gives submissive aural reception to the pleasing and sweet pastimes of Lord Caitanya, then immediately his heart becomes cleansed of all material contamination.
Text Two
je gauräìgera näma loy, tära hoy premodoy,
täre mui jäi bolihäri
gauräìga-guëete jhure, nitya-lélä täre sphure,
se jana bhakati-adhikäré
Anyone who simply chants the name of Sri Krishna Caitanya will immediately develop love of Godhead. I offer him all congratulations by saying, 'Bravo!' If anyone feels ecstasy and cries by simply hearing the transcendental qualities of Caitanya Mahäprabhu, he at once understands the eternal loving affairs between Radha and Krishna.
Text Three
gauräìgera saìgi-gaëe, nitya-siddha kori' mäne,
se jäy brajendra-suta-päç
çré-gauòa-maëòala-bhümi, jebä jäne cintämaëi,
tära hoy braja-bhüme bäs
Anyone who has understood that the associates of Lord Caitanya are eternally liberated souls immediately becomes eligible to enter into the abode of Krishna, the son of Nanda Mahäräja in Våndävana, in his next birth. If anyone understands that there is no difference between Gauòa-maëòala, the place in West Bengal wherein Lord Caitanya had His pastimes, and the transcendental abode of Çré Våndävana-dhäma, then he actually lives in Våndävana.
Text Four
gaura-prema-rasärëave, çe taraìge jebä òube,
se rädhä-mädhava-antaraìga
gåhe bä vanete thäke, 'hä gauräìga' bo'le òäke,
narottama mäge tära saìga
Anyone who takes pleasure sporting within the waves of the ocean of Lord Caitanya's distribution of love of God immediately becomes a confidential devotee of Çré Çré Rädhä-Mädhava. It doesn't matter whether such a devotee is in the renounced order of life or whether he is a householder. If he is actually taking part in Lord Caitanya's saìkértana activities and actually understanding what it is, then such a person is always liberated. Narottama däsa aspires for his association.
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