India TV, along with CNX, surveyed in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Odisha. According to this Opinion poll, BJP will get 45 seats, SP will get 15 seats, BSP will get 14 seats, Congress will get 4 seats and others will get 2 seats in Uttar pradesh.
In West Bengal, Bjp will get 12 seats, TMC will get 28 seats, Congress will get 1 seat and Left will get 1 seat also.
In Odisha, BJD is still first choice of the peoples. According to india TV CNX OPinion poll, BJP will get 6 seats in Odisha, BJD will get 14 seats and congress will bag 1 seat also from Odisha.
It is used to say that the Road to New Delhi going through Lucknow. Really 80 Lok Sabha seats of UP definitely proceed a way to form a government of a particular party.
In 2019, circumstances and situations are completely different for BJP. BSP+SP+RLD, an alliance against BJP is going to become a big headache for BJP and BJP has no chances of repeating their performance of 71/80 seats.
BJP has seat wise plan to woo UP voters in 2019. BJP is active in the internal restructuring exercise. BJP and RSS have been working assiduously on a plan, which includes deployment of leaders and cadres in each of the constituencies. Feedback on ground zero levels will play a key role in the selection of Candidates. Former Gujrat Home minister Gordhan Zadaphia is appointed as a “Prabhari” of UP. Dissatisfied leaders are taking under consideration and trying to sort out their differences as earlier as possible.
Following circumstances are coming in favour of BJP:—
1. Shiv Pal Singh, uncle of Akhilesh Yadav, who has formed a Party Pragatisil Samajwadi Morcha is going to contest election against BJP and Akhilesh Yadav(SP). There is the most possibility of an alliance with Congress to Shiv Pal. This possibility will reduce and damage the vote share of SP and come in favour of BJP. Shiv Pal has a good influence in central UP.
2. If the Supreme Court continuously extend the hearing date of Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute, there will be a situation arises in favour of Hindu Polarisation, that will definitely favour the BJP in Lok Sabha election.
3. Congress and Mahagatbhandhan, both are opposing TripleTalak, so Muslim Female might be cast their vote against the alliance.
4. Modi is still popular in UP. PM Modi has an extensive plan to address an election campaign in UP and Modi Magic may help BJP to gain momentum at last moments to gain the seats. Modi's extensive developments plan in UP might affect the people's approach and stable government likely to be a priority instead of confused government in the centre.
5. Illegal Sand mining case, examined by CBI may damage the image of Akhilesh Yadav because he was holding additional charge of the mining department in 2012–13.
Bengal is In a very vulnerable position in indian politics right now. The youths are certainly attracted towards BJP after pulwana strike and anti satellite missions bit as we all know mamata banerjee have goons all over the state she has given the jadavpur constituency to mimi chakraborty who has zero experience in politics all she had done is dancing in mamata's organised shows.
In rural bengal the affinity towards tmc is more but in metros people are more towards BJP and congress and cpim will not impact much.
2019 lok sabha opinion polls uttar pradesh
2019 lok sabha opinion polls West Bengal
2019 lok sabha opinion polls Odisha
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