In response to Dr. Michael Greger’s significantly misleading video on Klamath Lake blue-green algae, we present decades of evidence-based scientific research, recent genetic sequencing, and collaboration with federal and international regulatory agencies that disprove each of Dr. Greger’s outrageous claims.
Dr. Greger’s claims about AFA toxicity are not only inaccurate but also irresponsibly ignore the extensive safety clearances from the FDA and other global health agencies around the world.
With over 30 years of experience as primary harvesters and aquatic farmers of this unique blue-green algae, we bring forward independent studies that show conclusively the safety and truth of this particular variety of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). We counter each falsification that Greger makes, point-by-point, showing why Klamath Lake AFA is a safe, unique, and nutrient-rich supplement that has transformed lives.
If you care about accurate nutrition information, this video is a must-watch.
#DebunkingDrGreger #KlamathLakeTruth #AFAsupplements #BlueGreenAlgaeFacts #NutritionTruth #AFAResearch #SafeAlgaeSupplements #MisinformationExposed #HealthScienceFacts #AlgaeSafety #AFA #AFAmyths