The human-animal bond is a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals that is influenced by behaviors considered essential to the health and well-being of both. Do you have a pet that you entrust with your life, an animal that’s been faithful to you for years? Though exceptions can’t be an example, but there are few killer pets who were really brutal. This 2020 we will show you top 20 pets who kill their owners:
1. Charla Nash and pet chimpanzee
Technically, Charla Nash wasn’t the owner of Travis the chimpanzee, but she was a friend of the owner. Unfortunately, in 2009, Nash was violently attacked and mauled by Travis and almost died from the attack. What if you were in that situation? Indeed a rare reddit story! So the ultimate fact is know your pet very well before it gets too late.
2. Pam Weaver and her pet camel
Pam was given a pet camel by her husband on their 60th birthday. The family wanted to give her a llama or alpaca, but they were too expensive. The interesting fact is the ten month old animal weighing around 150 kg had a history of erratic behavior and knocked the lady to the ground and apparently tried to have sex with her. He lay on top of her straddling her until she ran out of oxygen and died due to the unbearable pressure.
3. Riki Weinhold and his bull
Riki apparently loved his cattle and was spending more time with them as a calf was about to be born. He had a barn space for his domesticated bulls in Philadelphia where the accident happened. The amazing fact is it was a day before his 53rd birthday that he was attacked by his one-ton bull and died succumbing to the injuries. Nothing to be amazed but to I am feeling real sorry for this traitor animals incident.
4. Janet Veal and her feline friends
If dogs can feast on their owners, why not cats? When the neighbors hadn’t seen much of Janet Veal, they informed the authorities. The police arrived at her house to find her dead body and more disturbingly, her cats dining on her corpse. The most amazing pet can be your killer at any time. Hopefully you won’t be in the list of one scary true stories. Keep your pet wisely. Then you can be in the bright side part.
5. Susan and Pit Bull Dog
In August 2016, a 60 year old woman by the name of Susan Shawl was viciously mauled by her two pit bulls at her home in Conifer, Colorado. Her adult son Richard who tried stepping in also got injured, and had to call 911 for help. When rescuers arrived, the dogs were no longer aggressive, but the elderly woman was already drawing her final breaths. When love goes wrong, that’s a real creepy pasta!
6. Terry with Domestic Hog
In September 2012, Terry Vance Garner, an elderly farmer went to feed his herd of hogs on his Oregon Ranch. The man never returned. When family members went looking for him, they were shocked to find bits and pieces of his body scattered throughout the hog enclosure. Nothing is a story or a myth we are telling. Yes truly this incident happened! You must have heard at watch mojo.
7. Norman and Siberian Tiger
As chairman of the Canadian Exotic Animal Owner's Association, Norman Buwalda was a big advocate for keeping wild animals as pets. The man had 5 wild cats he kept on his property in Ontario, including a tiger, lion, and a cougar. In June 2004, a ten year old boy came to his property to take photos of the exotic creatures on Norman's property, only to get mauled by the Siberian tiger held there.
8. The Duxbury Tragedy
Cynthia Lee Gamble, 52, was found in an area connected to the 500-pound tiger's cage by a small, open gate, Pine County Sheriff Mark Mansavage said Friday. He said a man who had gone to work on the property Thursday found the woman's body. The tiger was euthanized and taken to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Hospital for testing. Two other Bengal tigers on the property were being cared for by Gamble's friends. Real tragic reddit story.
9. The Killer Python
A mother and her boyfriend were sentenced to 12 years in prison today after her pet snake escaped from its cage and strangled her two-year-old daughter because it had been starved.Florida python owners Jaren Hare, 21, Charles Darnell, 34, from Florida, were convicted last month of third degree murder, manslaughter and child neglect. They received their sentence today. In July 2009, Hare's daughter Shaianna was found dead in her cot, with their albino Burmese python, Gypsy, coiled tightly around her and its fangs embedded in her forehead. A rare case yet should include in the education curriculum for children and parents learning on owning pets.
Who is the worst killer? Do you think we should be careful about our pets? Share your thoughts in the comment below.
#UltimateFact #Facts #Animals
20 Traitor Pet Animals That Ate Their Owners
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