I managed to get a copy of Call of Duty Ghosts a day or so early so I immediately decided to jump right into the multiplayer to see all the changes. I threw in some bots and started testing out the guns, perks and scorestreaks and then suddenly found myself earning the K.E.M. Strike. It is 25 kills without dying (24 with Hardline) without using scorestreaks. It kills all enemy players on the battlefield and EMP's the map for a set time. It is very similar to the MOAB in Modern Warfare 3 for those reasons.
I would like to note that this was playing with bots offline. I also did not use my own account for this gameplay (although it is me playing) but one my friend used to troll people with which is why it is sort of random and pretty vulgar (and does not get used on Xbox Live anymore for that reason).