Simone Stella plays the Chaconne in D minor P. 41 composed by Johann Pachelbel on the Pinchi organ op. 446 in the Church of San Giorgio in Ferrara (Italy)
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Disposition of the Pinchi organ in San Giorgio fuori le mura, Ferrara (Italy):
I - Hauptwerk
Prinzipal 16'
Prinzipal 8'
Oktav 4'
Superoktav 2'
Mixtur III-VII 1.1/3'
Rohrfloit 8'
Nassat 2.2/3'
Trommet 8'
II - Oberpositiv
Quintaden 8'
Gedackt 8'
Prinzipal 4'
Scharff III-V 1'
Blockfloit 4'
Waldfloit 2'
Sesquialter II 2.2/3'
Dulzian 16'
Krummhorn 8'
III - Oberwerk
Holfloit 8'
Spitzfloit 4'
Gemshorn 2'
Siffloit 1.1/3'
Blockwerk V 8'
Bahrpfeiff 8'
Schalmei 4'
Cornet V 8'
Prinzipal 16'
Prinzipal 8'
Oktav 4'
Subbass 16'
Gedackt 8'
Rohrquinte 10.2/3'
Quinte 5.1/3'
Posaunen 16'
Trommet 8'
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