This video is all about the Family liliaceae and its plants Alovera plant and Colichicum Autumnale
This video tutorial is helpful for Pharm D students, Botany field students and many more!
By understanding this video
you will be able to know the habitat, Identification of plant, Chemical Constituents, Chemical Structures,Collection process and medicinal uses of the plants..
This video's material is taken from Tres and Evans and Tylor text books of Pharmacognosy.
Family labiatae:
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Family Apocynacae ;
Basic Terminologies Of pharmacognosy
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Classification of Crude drugs
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#AloveraGell #ColchicumAutumnale #liliaceae
Liliaceae Family - Pharmacognosy
liliaceaelily familytrimerous flowersperianthtrilocular ovaryaxile placentationoniomgarlicasparaguscolchichumcolchicinemitotic poisonindigoferaindiabiologyfree videoAIIMSclass XIIMCATPlant anatomyplant morphologyplant plysiologycell biologyplant classificationgeneticsmolecular biology11th class12th class10th class9th classmedicalpharmacognosyaloe vera plantcolchicum autumnalekiran bihanpharmacybotanypharm dalopecia