A brief video highlighting some of the differences between NUCCA and a typical chiropractic visit. NUCCA is an upper cervical technique that is extremely accurate and extremely gentle. There is no popping, cracking or even twisting of the spine. NUCCA has been shown to be effective in helping people who are dealing with Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Arm Pain, Athletic Injuries, ADD or ADHD, Back Pain, Bed Wetting, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Child Development Problems, Chronic Infections, Constipation, Depression, Digestive Problems, Epileptic Seizures, Ear Infections, Fever, Flu Symptoms, Frequent Colds, Hacking Cough, Hay Fever, Headaches (all types), Herniated Disc, High Blood Pressure, Hip Pain, Hyperactivity, Immune System Deficiency, Indigestion, Infertility, Knee Pain, Learning Disability, Leg Pain, Loss of Sleep, Low Back Pain, Migraine Headaches, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Spasms, Neck Pain, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Numbness, Pain (chronic), Painful Menstrual Cycles, Poor Vision, Restlessness, Scoliosis, Shoulder Pain, Sinus Problems, Sore Throat, Tendonitis, Tight Muscles, Tingling Sensations, TMJ Syndromes, Tourette's Syndrome, Whiplash
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