Legendary Wubbox, more Clubbox, new EPIC Wubboxes and much more in these amazing fan videos!
Check out everyone's channels!
DarMan • @darman30
JakeTheDrake • @JakeTheDrake
T-rox • @TroxMsm
MSMContent • @MSMContent
Jestyak2009 • @Jestyak2009
Chronicles_Art • @St_Krawn
RawZebra • @RawZebra
Uksus • @Uksus9090
0:00 Intro
0:24 Legendary Wubbox
1:22 Wubbox and Rare Wubbox on Psychic Island
2:57 Epic Wubbox on Light Island
5:06 Trapbox on Plant Island
5:56 Epic Wubbox on Mythical Island
7:23 Clubbox on Gold Island
9:13 Epic Wubbox on Bone Island
10:05 Epic Wubbox on Fire Haven
11:50 Epic Wubbox on Magical Sanctum
Reacting to Fan-Made WUBBOXES! (My Singing Monsters)
mattshea369matt sheamattsheafunny momentsreacting to msmmsm reactionmy singing monsters fanmadefanmade monsterslet's play msmmsm fanmade monstersfanmade wubboxfire haven epic wubboxmagical sanctum epic wubboxepic wubboxepic wubbox fire havenepic wubbox msmepic wubbox on gold islandclubbox on gold islandmattshea my singing monstersmy singing monsterswubboxuksuswubbox fire havenepic wubbox magical sanctummy singing monsters wubbox