Say this to an evolutionist about the age of the earth, and they're sure to get upset: using the Bible’s chronologies and historical data, the age of the earth is calculated to be around 6,000 years; 2,000 years from Adam to Abraham, 2,000 years from Abraham to Christ, and 2,000 years from Christ to today. Numerous lines of evidence confirm this date for the age of the universe.
Adams’ Chart of History written by Sebastian Adams: [ Ссылка ]
The Young Earth - The Real History of the Earth—Past, Present, and Future, Revised & Expanded written by Dr. John Morris: [ Ссылка ]
Age of the Earth - Compromises and Crucial Assumptions of "Millions of Years" featuring Dr. Andrew A. Snelling: [ Ссылка ]
Christian Unity and the Age of the Earth - Should We Divide Over the Age of the Earth? featuring Steve Ham: [ Ссылка ]
Noah’s Flood and the Earth’s Age - Crucial apologetics for reaching today’s global culture: [ Ссылка ]
Old-Earth Creationism on Trial - The Verdict Is In written by Tim Chaffey and Dr. Jason Lisle: [ Ссылка ]
Evolutionists Go CRAZY When Christians Say This… | Ken Ham
answers in genesisken hamyoung earth creationyoung earth creationismyoung earthyoung earth creationistyoung earth apologeticscreation apologeticscreation sciencehow old is the earththe age of the earthis the earth billions of years oldis the earth millions of years oldis the earth thousands of years olddo christians believe in a young earthis the earth six thousand years oldis the earth 6000 years oldthe earth is 6000 years old