This brand Vivo surprisingly launched V9 with few modifications as compare to its predecessor. Rumor mill is active and ahead of its launch its first teaser image appeared and Vivo V9 is showed with a Notch on its top side. It seems that this Notch style is quite trendy feature in Chinese market so each and every brand is going to make sure that they have Notch in its devices. V9 is one of them who followed this trend which was settle by the Apple for first time. Samsung has some other planes and they are going to provide Vivo's V9 AMOLED panels to make the display better by producing deep black color. Display panel is trapped inside the 6.3 inch diagonal which has 1080 x 2280 pixel resolution. Vivo V9's pixels density will be 400 pixels per inch which mean that there will be better output due abundance of the pixels in per inch area. After the display of Vivo grown V9 now it is time look inside the belly to check that we are going to find out in this phone. Qualcomm Snapdragon 626 chip is used as the basic platform on which you will get octa core processor that Vivo used in all of its devices and now V9 is going to get the same processor but here clock speed of the processor is dived into two categories where first four have a clock speed of 2.2 GHz while remaining four units of V9 have 1.8 GHz clock speed. Adreno GPU is going to tackle the intense gaming while 4 GB of RAM is hired to maintain the multi-tasking of the V9 with special care. 64 GB of internal storage is located inside but it is backed up by 256 GB of SD card that will expand the storage according to your needs. USB port of V9 by Vivo has an OTG support that make this phone capable to read your USB data too. 16 MP + 5 MP back camera has laser autofocus and LED flash while on the front side of Vivo V9 you will get the 24 MP cam with soft light flash.
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