Yesterday we were catching Black Drum left and right so head out again to see if they are still biting.
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8'6" St. Croix
6500 Ambassadeur
7' G. Loomis E6X Medium Mod-Fast
Shimano Curado 200E7
Fins XS 30lb
7'6" All Star Croaker Special
Shiman Curado 200I
Fins XS 30lb
Sufix 80lb Mono
Yo-Zuri 3DS Minnow 100 SP
Heddon Chug N Spook
Eastaboga Bogagrip 315 Model (15lb Model)
Hookset Pro Series Wading Belt
Stinky Pants Fishing Stringers and Boga Float
Fishbites EZ Shrimp & Crab
Condtions: Sunny, clear skies in the morning
Wind: SSE 10-14 knots
Ambient Temp: 84°F
Water Temp: 83°F
Pattern: Fishbites fished on a double drop rig.
4 Man LIMIT of Black Drum ft. Squidder542
Matt's Saltwater FishingMatt Bob Hall PierMatt FishingfishingBob Hall Pier FishingLimit of RedfishRedfish RunBob Hall PierBull Red RunBull Red Run 2018Bull Red Run October 2018Bob Hall Pier Bull RedBull Red Run Bob Hall Pier 2018Corpus Christi FishingPackery Jetties FishingBig Jetty TroutBig Trout At The JettiesBlack Drum RunBlack Drum FishingDrum FishingBlack Drum SlayfestBlack Drum4 Man Limit of Black Drum