Boston Legal is a legal comedy-drama that aired on ABC from 2004 to 2008. The series stars William Shatner in his Emmy-winning role as egotistical and sometimes senile attorney Denny Crane. Also starring in the series is Rene Auberjonois of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fame as Paul Lewiston.
Given Shatner's and Auberjonois's association with Star Trek, several Trek-related in-jokes have crept into the series. In addition, many actors (most having played aliens) who have guest-starred on Star Trek have popped up in guest roles. Trek regulars who have made appearances are Ethan Phillips, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Forbes, Scott Bakula and Armin Shimerman; two actors who make numerous appearances (both as judges) are Ron Canada and Henry Gibson, while Joanna Cassidy had a recurring role as Shatner's love interest. John Larroquette (the Klingon Maltz in ST:III) joined the Boston Legal cast in Season 4, having previously played an attorney, Dan Fielding, on Night Court.
(And yes, I know the last one isn't actually a Star Trek reference, but just hearing Shatner saying "two necks" makes me think of some weird alien creature...)
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