Title: Boris Smyslovski: WWII, White Russian, Counterinsurgency and Counterintelligence
About the Lecture: This lecture is a part of The Ninth Annual Lady Blanka Rosential Kosciuszko Chair Spring Symposium that was held on Saturday, April 6, 2019, at The Institute of World Politics.
About the Author: Dr. Sebastian Bojemski graduated from the Institute of History of Warsaw University and gained his doctoral degree at The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw. His main research interest is the history of underground organizations active during WWII within the area of the occupied Polish lands - mostly the Polish anti-Nazi, anti-Soviet underground. He authored Narodowe Siły Zbrojne w Powstaniu Warszawskim and Nim Hitler runie śmierć komunie (just published). Dr. Bojemski also has extensive experience in strategic communication and marketing. For over 15 years he had owned a Warsaw-based communication firm and in 2018-2019 was an executive director for marketing at PKN Orlen – the largest oil company in Central Europe.
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