63-(-3) (-2-8-4)÷ [3 (5+(-2) (-1))] = ?
a) 65
b) 60
c) -60
d) 61
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63-(-3) (-2-8-4)÷ [3 (5+(-2) (-1))] = ?
63-(-3) (-2-8-4)÷ [3 (5+(-2) (-1))] = ? a) 65 b) 60 c) -60 d) 6163-(-3) (-2-8-4)÷ [3 (5+(-2) (-1))] = ?army gd matharm agniveerarmy rally bhartimath onlymath solutionmath examplemath questionbodmas rulebodmas questionsimplification tricksboard mass wale questionarmy gdarmy rallymathmathanticsmathematical disrespectmath fractionmath question of board masbodmass simple tricpamtspostmansapostal a b cbodmas examples for bigners