Anyone can easily cycle HySecurity’s StrongArmPark DC barrier arm manually after an AC power outage (and depleted batteries). However, it’s unlikely that most users would ever have to open the arm manually. StrongArmPark DC is UPS battery backed up and cycles uninterruptedly after AC power loss. Expect more than 1,000 cycles, depending upon length of outage, arm length, battery condition and other considerations. More than enough cycles than most power outages require.
StrongArmPark Barrier Arm Manual Operation
barrier armtraffic controlHySecurityAmano McGannFederal APDSkidataDKSDoorKingLiftmastermanual operatormanual gatebarrier gategate operatorparking barrier armrevenue control parkingparking controlanti-ramcrashanti-ram crashperimeter barrierentrance barriervehical barrierhydraulic beamhydraulicscrash testhigh securitysecurity systemphysical security systemscientific corporationnasatka barriernorshieldGibraltar