Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:12 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:38 : marinasi ayam (marinating the chicken)
03:14 : masak nasi (cooking the rice)
04:17 : rebus sayuran (blanching the veggies)
05:27 : membuat nasi goreng (making Fried Rice)
06:19 : membuat cah ayam jamur (making Chicken Mushroom Stir-Fry)
07:59 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepNasiSiramAyamJamur #ResepNasiSiram #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Nasi Siram Ayam Jamur (untuk 1-2 porsi)
2 cups Leon Thai Jasmine Rice
2 ½ cups air
1 butir telur
2-3 sdm minyak
½ sdm kecap ikan
1 batang daun bawang, iris
Bahan marinasi ayam:
120 gr ayam paha fillet
½ sdm tepung tapioka
4 iris jahe
¼ sdt kaldu bubuk
¼ sdt garam
⅛ sdt merica
1 sdm arak masak, opsional
Bahan cah ayam jamur:
3 siung bawang putih, geprek
½ bawang bombai
1 batang daun bawang, iris
1 buah wortel, potong
2 buah jagung putren, potong
40 gr kembang kol, potong
3 buah jamur champignon / merang, potong
Bahan saus:
1 sdm kecap asin
½ sdm saus tiram
1 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdt minyak wijen
½ sdm tepung tapioka
½ sdm gula
⅛ sdt merica
¼ sdt kaldu bubuk / penyedap
300 ml air + ½ sdm kaldu ayam
1. Potong ayam, marinasi dengan jahe, arak masak, tepung tapioka, garam, merica, dan kaldu bubuk, aduk, diamkan beberapa saat
2. Masak Leon Thai Jasmine Rice dengan rice cooker hingga matang lalu dinginkan
3. Rebus wortel, jagung, dan kembang kol yang telah dipotong, tiriskan
4. Panaskan minyak, masukkan daun bawang bagian putih, tumis hingga wangi lalu masukkan telur, aduk rata
5. Masukkan nasi dan kecap ikan, masak sebentar lalu pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
6. Untuk saus, campurkan air kaldu dengan kecap asin, saus tiram, kecap ikan, minyak wijen, dan tepung tapioka, aduk lalu tambahkan gula, merica dan penyedap, aduk rata
7. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih hingga wangi lalu masukkan ayam dan jamur, masak hingga kecokelatan
8. Masukkan sayuran, bawang bombai, dan daun bawang, aduk rata
9. Lalu masukkan campuran saus, masak sebentar lalu tuang di atas nasi
10. Nasi siram ayam jamur siap disajikan
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Chicken Mushroom Rice Recipe (yield 1-2 servings)
2 cup Leon Thai Jasmine Rice
2.5 cup water
1 pc egg
2-3 tbsp oil
½ tbsp fish sauce
1 pc green onion, sliced
Marinated Chicken ingredients:
120 g chicken thigh fillet
½ tbsp tapioca flour
4 slice ginger
¼ tsp stock powder
¼ tsp salt
⅛ tsp pepper
1 tbsp cooking wine, optional
Chicken Mushroom Stir-Fry ingredients:
3 clove garlic, pounded
½ pc onion
1 pc green onion, sliced
1 pc carrot, sliced
2 pc baby corn, sliced
40 g cauliflower, sliced
3 pc champignon / straw mushroom, sliced
Sauce ingredients:
1 tbsp soy sauce
½ tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
½ tbsp tapioca flour
½ tbsp sugar
⅛ tsp pepper
¼ tsp stock powder / flavor enhancer
300 ml water + ½ tbsp chicken powder
1. Slice the chicken and marinate with ginger, cooking wine, tapioca flour, salt, pepper, and stock powder. Mix and let it rest.
2. Cook Leon Thai Jasmine Rice with a rice cooker, then let it cool.
3. Blanch the sliced carrots, baby corn, and cauliflower. Drain.
4. Heat some oil. Stir fry the white part of green onion until fragrant, then add the egg in. Stir.
5. Add the rice and fish sauce. Cook for a moment, then transfer to a bowl.
6. For the sauce, mix the stock with soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, and tapioca flour. Stir, then add sugar, pepper, and flavor enhancer. Mix well.
7. Heat some oil and stir fry the garlic until fragrant. Then, add the chicken and mushroom. Cook until browned.
8. Add the veggies, onion, and green onions. Stir.
9. Add the sauce mix. Cook for a moment, then pour over rice.
10. Chicken Mushroom Rice is ready to serve.
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Resep NASI SIRAM AYAM JAMUR Ala Chinese Resto
resep nasiresep ayamresep jamurresep nasi siramresep capcayresep nasi siram ayamresep nasi siram sapiresep nasi siram telurresep nasi siram capcayresep nasi siram ayam jamurresep capcay sayurresep nasi gorengresep nasi goreng sederhanaresep capcay kuah kentalresep cah ayam jamurresep cah ayam saus tiramcara membuat nasi siramcara memasak cah ayam jamurcah ayam jamurayamjamurnasi siramnasi siram ayam jamurcapcaynasi goreng putih