An investor overview of Base Resources Limited which is a large mineral sands producer and developer with a focus on mines in Africa. Base Resources is listed on the London Stock Exchange with the ticker LON: BSE . Base Resources is also listed on the Australian Stock Market with the ticker ASX: BSE
The company generates strong cash flow, delivers returns for shareholders with dividends and a growth strategy which the management believe is attractive.
In the video Tim Carstens provides an overview of Base Resources. He discusses the established (and profitable) mineral sands operation in Kwale Kenya. Tim believes that this site has extensional potential. Base resources also has a 'world class' asset in Toliara, Madagascar. Both mines have a long combined mine life. In addition, Base resources has a long track record of excellence in safety, community engagement, government relations and environmental management.
Base Resources has been able to build a cash position of $87m US Dollars due to income from it's Kwale Mine, which produces over $200m US Dollars a year. Net profits from the mine were almost $40m US Dollars in the year to 2020, and generating free cash of $72m. Net cash in the 2020 financial year was $87m.
Mineral Sands are classed as a heavy mineral. They contain concentrations of important Titanium Metals which are used in everything from Paints to roofing materials and cosmetics. Base Resources produce Zircon, Rutile and Ilmenite.
This video was filmed and produced by Five Minute Pitch TV.
The information contained in the video has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Any opinions, recommendations and forecasts referred to may have been superseded and thus not necessarily be the current opinions, recommendations and forecasts of that analyst/broker. These notes are not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, the securities mentioned.
Base Resources
base resourcesbase resources limitedBase ResourcesLON: BSETitanium Dioxide MiningZircon MiningIlmenite MiningRutile MiningMineral sandsmineral sand mininglarge rutile mineslarge zircon minesbase resources profitsbase resources cashbase resources kwalebase resources toliaramineral sandstim carstensZircon priceTitanium Dioxide productiontitanium dioxide miningTitanium miningBase KwaleBase Toliarabase resources investors