"When I Fly Towards You" is one of this year's most popular Chinese dramas. The drama, also known as "The Girl Who Fell in Love,"
The story revolves around comedy, romance, and youth. The drama's primary cast members include Zhou Yi Ran as Zhang Lu Rang, Zhang Miao Yi as Su Zai Zai, and other cast members.
The drama is available on Youku. The drama is divided into 24 episodes. This is one of the year's best Chinese dramas. Let's look at why fans and I like this drama so much.
Please stay tuned to the very end.
When I Fly Towards You review
The best youth drama I've seen this year Through them, I felt as though I was living the high school life I had always desired. The sequences did not feel cringeworthy at all, but rather demonstrated how pining on someone at that age is innocent and sweet.
There is no unneeded drama and no uninteresting moments. The love between them won my heart and had me kicking the air and dying of envy.However, I find the lines to be more powerful,
and even a single line penetrated my heart.Of all C-dramas I watched, this is one of my best C-drama series so far.
I'm extremely grateful for the presence of this play. I genuinely believe that I have been healed and that my heart has been touched.I can't suggest this easy drama enough!
When I Fly Towards You Storyline
Su Zai Zai, a joyful transfer student, arrives to Yucai Middle School in early autumn of 2012. Su Zai Zai meets a classmate on the first day of school and instantly falls in love with him.
Zhang Lu Rang is a school bully who is disrespectful to everyone around him.
However, his life changes when he meets Su Zai Zai, who teaches him the meaning of self-awareness and gradually teaches him how to arrange his life.Both gradually formed feelings for each other and shared satisfaction.
#WhenIFlyTowardsYou #ZhouYiRan #ZhangMiaoYi
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