How is your mouth health connected to blood sugar?
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Learn the shocking truth about the connection between diabetes and oral health.
1) Diabetes can increase your risk of developing dental plaque, and it is a main factor for why diabetics are at a heightened risk for periodontal disease. Elevated glucose in the blood stream may increase the amount of glucose in saliva, which will provide a source of food for the bacteria inside the mouth. This can allow for a build-up of plaque on teeth.
2) XEROSTOMIA, otherwise known as dry mouth, happens when the salivary glands fail to produce enough saliva to keep the mouth properly hydrated. And having diabetes can heighten your chances of chronic xerostomia. Chronic dry mouth has been linked to diabetes-related nerve damage, which can also cause salivary glands to produce less saliva.
3) PERIODONTAL DISEASE, which includes gingivitis and periodontitis, is a chronic inflammatory condition which affects tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, and it can lead to severe jawbone damage. Studies show that the inflammation caused by periodontitis can heighten insulin resistance.
4) Diabetics have an elevated risk of tooth decay, compared to non-diabetics, and studies show that diabetics with poorly controlled glucose levels are more likely to develop cavities than diabetics with well-managed blood sugar.
5) Diabetes can increase the risk of developing oral yeast infections in your mouth, including THRUSH. Also known as CANDIDIASIS, this condition develops when a type of fungus called CANDIDA grows inside your mouth. A proliferation of yeast in the mouth can lead to a series of unwanted symptoms, including discomfort, pain, white patches, lesions, and bad breath. It may even result in a burning sensation inside your mouth.
The Surprising Ways Diabetes Affects Your Teeth
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