Accused activists Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira, two of the five accused in Bhima Koregaon violence, have been sent to police custody till November 6. Earlier today, they were produced in Pune Court, after their period of house arrest ended on Friday. Rahul Deshmukh, Defence Lawyer said, “If the two accused have to be taken into custody, they were to be produced in court today. They have been given police custody till November 6. It was important to interrogate the two accused for which the police custody was asked”. The bail pleas of the two accused were rejected by the court yesterday. The Supreme Court rejected the review plea of historian Romila Thapar against the verdict that refused Special Investigating Team (SIT) probe into arrests of five activists in Bhima Koregaon case and allowing Maharashtra Police to continue with the investigation. Hindustan Times, owned by HT Media Ltd, is one of India’s largest publications that provides unbiased news, analysis and features on politics, sports, entertainment, lifestyle and more. Hindustan Times delivers the news across all social media platforms, on the web, and at your doorstep.
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