Pythagorean tuning is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all intervals are based on the ratio 3:2. This ratio, also known as the "pure" perfect fifth, is chosen because it is one of the most consonant and easiest to tune by ear and because of importance attributed to the integer 3.
What is Pythagorean Tuning?
pythagorean tuningpythagoreanpythagorassound healingpythontuning systemspythogorastuning systemPythagorasPythagorean commaMusical tuningEqual temperamentRatioFractionMathematicsmusical tuningperfect fifth3:2.Ancient MesopotamiaPythagorean systemPythagorean scalepure perfect fifthsoctavesPythagorean temperamentwolf fifthPtolemaic tuningtemperamentpure perfect fifthDiatonic scalefifthsoctaveharmonicsenharmonicwolf interval