Anushka Shetty recently sparked a debate on Twitter with her latest appearance at a temple on the occasion of Mahashivratri. As soon as her pictures surfaced on the micro-blogging site, a section of netizens started trolling and fat-shaming the ‘Baahubali’ actress. One user wrote, ‘She is too fat. If she reduces weight she will look like the old anushka we know’, while another wrote, ‘Very sad. Plz sweety get slim. We want to see you in more films’. On the other hand, there was an army of fans who defended Anushka’s look against all the trolls. One of them wrote, ‘She’s still cute’, while another one wrote, ‘Anushka is a yoga instructor don't teach her about fitness and Health, when you guys don't have 1% Knowledge about woman body’.For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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