Voltes V, a popular anime in the Philippines, faced a ban during the Martial Law era under President Ferdinand Marcos. The ban came in August 1979 due to "excessive violence," even before its last four episodes aired. However, since the 1990s, Voltes V reappeared on TV, igniting the Anime Craze in the country and captivating the hearts of the new Voltes V generation and anime lovers.
Today, Voltes V remains a significant part of Filipino pop culture, cherished by the Anime community. Despite its ban, the legacy of Voltes V persists alongside other popular animes in the Philippines like Doraemon, Dragon Ball, Slam Dunk, Inuyasha, Ghost Fighter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Princess Sara. The emergence of the Voltes V Live Action and Voltes V Remake by GMA (a leading TV network in the Philippines) adds to the anime culture's vibrancy, further fueling the fascination for this old anime series among Filipino viewers.
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This video may contain added footage to enhance the viewing experience. Some of the content may have been edited or reconstructed due to unavailability of related media. This has been done to provide a more engaging and informative viewing experience.
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#anime #history #marcos #animerecommendations #otakus #banned
Media Credits: GMA Network, Voltes V Nippon Sunrise; Toei Dōga, OTAKUPLAY, Infraction
This Anime was BANNED in the Philippines
Jonas TayabanhistoryinterestingfactstriviaVoltes VVoltes V Live ActionVoltes V RemakeVoltes V Legacy by GMAFerdinand MarcosPresident Ferdinand MarcosMartial LawMartial Law eraGMATVAnimeAnime loversAnime communityAnime crazeAnime cultureBest animeOldest animeDoraemonDragon BallSlam DunkInuyashaGhost FighterYu-Gi-OhPokemonPrincess SaraBannedBanned animeBanned TV showvoltes V legacyvoltes 5voltes 5 legacy