Nick Haines, Eric Wesson, Angie Ricono, Micheal Mahoney and Pete Mundo discuss the escalating homicide epidemic and lack of any successful solutions, potential replacements for Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker, the frustrations with 911 call hold times, the latest round of outrage over property tax assessments and the continuing indecision about the specifics of a new Royals stadium.
Kansas City PBS - KCPT, Kansas City
Kansas City Week in Review - June 30, 2023
Kansas City PBSKansas CityKCPTKansas City NewsPublic TelevisionMissouriKansasNick HainesEric WessonAngie RiconoPete MundoMicheal MahoneyHomicideViolent CrimeGun ViolenceMass ShootingLocal Police ControlJackson County ProsecutorJean Peters BakerAlissia Canady911 emergency callshold timesemergency response timesproperty appraisalsJackson Countyproperty taxJohn ShermanKansas City RoyalsDowntown StadiumClay County