:-) viral?
🟪About me
hey im pepsi i lift and play carball
- gc1, swedish & 18 years old
🟪 Socials
Tiktok: [ Ссылка ]
Twitter: [ Ссылка ]
Discord Server: [ Ссылка ]
🟪 Camera Settings
FOV: 110*
Distance: 240.00
Height: 100.00
Angle: -5.00
Stiffness: 0.55
Swivel Speed: 4.00
Transition Speed: 1.40
🟪 Control Settings
Controller: Thrustmaster Eswap S
Deadzone Shape: Square
Controller Deadzone: 0.25
Dodge Deadzone: 0.40
Steering Sensitivity: 2.00
Aerial Sensitivity: 2.00
🟪 Stats
Playtime: ~3,7k hours but a lot is AFK and from 2018. I started freestyling at the start of 2021 but already had ~2k hours and decent mechanics.
🟪 Miscellaneous
I clip/record using Shadowplay.
Music is not owned by me, all credits go to the artist/artists!
You can submit art on my Discord server that can end up on my Youtube banner!
#rocketleague #freestyle #shorts
My Rocket League Journey
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