#AlmondprocessingPlant Full Automatic
Almond Shelling /Cracking Machine Almonds shelling machine
Almonds Shelling Machine is one necessary shelling machine in almonds processing factories.we offer Different capacity (200-1000 kg/hr ) to meet your demand .how can we crack almonds fully without breaking inner kernel ,small almonds cannot get cracked while large almonds will be pulverized.
200-300 kg/hr Almonds Shelling Machine Specification
Almond Hulling Machine
Cracking /Separating Rate 95%
Almond cracking machine crack almonds shell almond kennel are separating from its shells (almonds shell removing machine)
It mainly has two machines almond cracking shelling machine and almonds gravity separating for shells
Good Quality Almond Cracking and Shelling Machine Price in India.
The almond cracking and shelling machine has good quality durable use and shell best factory price It can Be used For Remaining The Shell of almonds hazelnut ,kernels etc
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