Company Summer Update - Latus Health
Here is a quick roundup video from our quarterly summer update. We got everyone together from our company with the following itinerary:
- Company Update; which included all the recent achievements of the company and some exciting news for the organisation moving forwards, including a new location on the horizon! (Stay tuned for more updates)
- Company Values; which saw the organisation split into 4 groups to bounce and share ideas and opinions on the company values. The company is no longer Jack, Sam, Will LATUS.. but a company with an ever growing family of employees. This was a great exercise to see what the employees themselves saw as the company values and will help shape them for existing and new employees into the future.
- Question of Latus; The serious stuff is out the way and it is time to bring on the fun. We took inspiration from a question of sport and put our own spin on it. Everyone split into 5 teams and battles it out to score points each round.
- Brewdog; after the uplifted energy brought about by the games, it was time to all relax, chat, drink and eat over at Brewdog. As you can see from the video, this was a great chance for those working in the office to mix with those out in the field and do more than talk about work. Let's not forget the competitive spirit behind the shuffle board games!
Next stop - Company Update & Latus Health Christmas Party
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Company Summer Update - Latus Health
company summer updatecompany updatelatus healthlatus health & wellbeingsummer partylatus health company updatecompany wellbeingquestion of latusquestion of sportshuffle boardbuffet foodlatus gamescompany update videothe future of latusoccupational healthworkplace wellbeingmental healthwellness dayemployee healthemployee mental healthwellbeing dayemployee wellbeinghappy employeescompany culturecompany values