This one has a little bit of backstory to it. The backstory being:
I drew this over a decade ago. Listening to Mushroomhead's song "BWOMP", there's a part where the singer puts a huge space in the middle when singing "No more true hu-manity", and that just made me think of a rainbow-colored version of everyone's favorite sea cow. Well, the drawing got a LOT of attention, mostly because of the pun and how cute the damn thing looked. Everyone loves a rainbow critter.
Problem is, most people have no idea I drew it. My name is even in there, but the quality is so bad it's hard to make it out usually. Still, I do enjoy all the support its received over the years. So I did an animation today for Twitch involving that very manatee. Had a lot of fun producing it. I hope I can capitalize on that idea further in the future with an actual cartoon, but this works well enough by itself for now.
Hue Manatee
hue manateehumanityword jokeword humorhu manateehu manityrainbowrainbow fishrainbow manateecuteadorablesea creatureunderwaterunder waterfishcolor manateesuper cuteoh the humanityoh the hu manateepositivecute animalscute faceword jokesword play jokesone word jokespunhumanity puncute manatee cartoonhue manatee cartoonhue manatee animationmanatee cartoonbobert-robcute manatee