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This is a game between Vassily Smyslov with the White pieces and Andor Lilienthal with Black.
The game was played in 1947, in occasion of the Soviet Championship 1947 event. Round: 8
The variation played is: Grünfeld, Russian variation with ECO code D96.
The game lasted 65 moves and ended with a victory for White, Vassily Smyslov.
Here is the transcription of the moves:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Qb3 c6 6. cxd5 Nxd5 7. e4 Nb6 8. Be3 O-O 9. Rd1 Be6 10. Qc2 Bc4 11. Be2 Bxe2 12. Nxe2 N8d7 13. Nf4 Qc8 14. O-O e5 15. dxe5 Nxe5 16. Nxe5 Bxe5 17. Nd3 Bg7 18. Nc5 Qc7 19. Rd3 Rfd8 20. Rfd1 Rxd3 21. Rxd3 Bf6 22. g3 Rd8 23. Rxd8+ Bxd8 24. Qc3 Nd7 25. Nxd7 Qxd7 26. Bxa7 b6 27. Bb8 Bc7 28. Bxc7 Qxc7 29. Qd4 c5 30. Qd5 b5 31. a3 b4 32. axb4 cxb4 33. Kg2 h5 34. h4 Qb6 35. e5 Kg7 36. Kf3 Qb8 37. Qd4 Qb7+ 38. Ke3 Kh7 39. Kd3 Qb5+ 40. Qc4 Qd7+ 41. Ke3 Qa7+ 42. Qd4 Qa4 43. Qd5 Qa7+ 44. Ke2 Kg8 45. e6 fxe6 46. Qe4 Qa6+ 47. Qd3 Qb6 48. Qxg6+ Kf8 49. Qxh5 Qd4 50. Qf3+ Kg7 51. b3 Qb2+ 52. Kf1 Qc1+ 53. Kg2 Qc3 54. Qe3 e5 55. h5 Qc6+ 56. Kg1 Qc3 57. Qg5+ Kf7 58. Qg6+ Ke7 59. h6 Qxb3 60. h7 Qd1+ 61. Kg2 Qd5+ 62. f3 Qd2+ 63. Kh3 Qd7+ 64. Qg4 Qd1 65. Qg7+ 1-0
Thanks for watching!
The music in the video is courtesy of Jon Sayles [ Ссылка ]
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