"It's a Good Life" is a haunting and thought-provoking short story by Jerome Bixby, first published in 1953. The narrative revolves around Anthony Fremont, a three-year-old boy with god-like powers who has complete control over his environment. He can transform anything or anyone at will, read minds, and even manipulate the weather. As a result, the residents of his small town, Peaksville, Ohio, must constantly appease him, ensuring he is never displeased.
Set in a world where the town is cut off from the rest of the Earth, the story delves into the chilling consequences of a child with limitless power and a limited understanding of morality. The adults, unable to resist Anthony's whims, must pretend everything is "good" to avoid his wrath, even as he wreaks havoc on those who displease him. This eerie tale explores the dangers of absolute power, the fragility of human existence, and the complexities of innocence and malevolence.
This audiobook brings the tension and suspense of the story to life, immersing listeners in the terrifying world where any negative thought could lead to unimaginable consequences. Ideal for fans of science fiction and horror, "It's a Good Life" remains a timeless exploration of power and fear.
#ItsAGoodLife #JeromeBixby #Audiobook #ScienceFiction #Horror #ClassicLiterature #Supernatural #Power #MindControl #ShortStory #Suspense #TwilightZone #Peaksville #GodlikePowers #Storenza
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