by Maria Rosantina/d-associates architect
Just like of a city square all over the regions of Indonesia, the Alun-Alun is intended to be a meeting point that participants and the public could use to gather or just sit around.
Surrounded by pavilions made off different explorative materials and functions with more predominant heights, the Alun-Alun becomes the center and the main most prominent 'flat land' of this landscape. Amongst its surroundings, it's the nethermost area and the most modest. Crafted from plywood, it provides contrast to the complexity of the pavilions, yet the space makes itself known marked and bounded by trees surrounding the Alun-Alun.
The materials, textures, and patterns used in the Alun-Alun is dictated by the pavilions that surrounds it. The pattern and texture that appear on the surface of the wood such as textile or trees are present from necessity, and are woven into a well-turned object.
As a gathering center, this pavilion consists of stacks of plywood seating modules, covered in textiles that are cut, sewn, embroidered into texture, forming a tribune. The stands are intentionally composed of stacks of modules, with the thought that when the arch:id event ends. These stands can be disassembled and these modules can be reused, rearranged into new compositions and functions so that when the event ends, the Alun-Alun can weave another story.
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