Bharat Rashtra Samithi's working president and Minister, KT Rama Rao, has accused the BJP of attempting to delay elections in five states, including Telangana, through what he calls ""cheap political stunts.""
BRS minister KT Rama Rao claimed on Tuesday that the BJP was trying to push back the elections in five States, including Telangana, by engaging in ""cheap political stunts"" like the ""One Nation, One Election"" idea. He claimed that this was a sign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party's anxiety over losing in those States.
BRS minister KT Rama Rao claimed on Tuesday alleged that the BJP's push for the ""One Nation, One Election"" concept and the proposal to rename India as Bharat were nothing more than distractions. He suggested that these moves were driven by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party's fear of losing in these states. According to Rama Rao, these tactics were meant to divert attention from unfulfilled promises and impending electoral challenges faced by the central government.
The BRS minister referred to the BJP's tenure as a ""disaster"" for India and believed that the rush to postpone state elections was a clear sign of their apprehension about the upcoming polls, which could also impact their performance in the 2024 national elections.
Rama Rao argued that delaying elections would give his party the opportunity to complete pending tasks before facing the voters. However, he expressed confidence that people would ultimately evaluate the government's overall performance rather than get distracted by the BJP's political maneuvers.
During an informal interaction with the media, Rama Rao also criticized the Modi administration for failing to meet important commitments related to housing, clean water, and employment.
“If the BJP government was genuinely interested in implementing simultaneous elections across the nation, no political party could obstruct it in Parliament, given the BJP’s substantial numerical advantage,” he said, also saying that the Congress and BJP were colluding with each other against the BRS.
He asserted that if the BJP government genuinely aimed for simultaneous elections nationwide, their numerical advantage in Parliament should allow them to overcome any political obstacles. Rama Rao even alleged collusion between the Congress and BJP against the BRS, citing examples such as Rahul Gandhi's absence from Gujarat during his Bharat Jodo Yatra and the selective investigation of BRS members by central authorities while no Congress politicians faced similar scrutiny.
Additionally, he questioned the outcomes of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in Telangana, highlighting the defeat of Congress candidates Madhu Yashki Goud and Ponnamb Prabhakar despite their substantial support bases.
Talking about his home state Telangana, Rama Rao stated that the current events in Andhra Pradesh did not affect the BRS and that he would not comment on them. He claimed that as a national party, the BRS will focus more on tackling issues of national importance that impact the entire country's population than specific instances.
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