Clovers are a rich source of phytochemicals, predominantly the types called isoflavones and polysaccharides. These are anti-inflammatory plant compounds that have potential health benefits in humans. Some of the health benefits of clover leaves include...
Supporting cardiovascular health
Preventing cancer
Improving menopausal symptoms
Treating infertility
Enhancing immunity
So go get your clover leaves red or white all clover leaves are medicinal...use these for medicines...make tea with them fresh or dried...make an oil with dried clover leaves...make a tincture with dried or fresh clover leaves...have FUN many overlooked Gifts all around us!
Clover leaves are medicine!
Chagasoaphome remedyanti aginglotioncreamglycerintraditionalhealingmedicinaleczemadry skinoilpsoriasiscandidaturpentine spiritplantimmune boosterwrinkletincturereceding gumcolloidalseaweedfungusteamulleinhoneyusneamushroomdecoctionindian pipecannabiscosmeticstutorialantidepressantnaturalinfusionnutritionconcoctioninfuzioncancerstar aniserose hipforagehomesteadsalvepine needlerootanxietyinsomiaessentialalternative medicine