I love to end my somatic movements, whether from a chair or on the floor, with Seated Arch and Curl on the Diagonal. It helps me sit more comfortably, have better seated posture, reduce eye strain, reduce neck and shoulder tension, and especially keeps my low back comfortable. Curling my upper body diagonally so my opposite elbow and knee gently come toward each other seems to integrate my body and give me a much needed movement break at my desk and in front of my computer. Most of us tend to hunch forward when we've been sitting for a long time staring at our computers. Some people not only round their upper torso but they also round their pelvis, actually sitting on their tailbone instead of their sits bones. Some people round their upper torso and contract and arch forward their lower back as they sit. People habituate many postures that take them out of alignment. Over time these postures not only cause pain but other problems that can effect your neck, head, eyes, shoulders, hips, pelvis, ribcage, breathing, heart, and much more. So do your Seated Arch and Curl on the Diagonal - you'll feel so much better.
Seated Arch and Curl on the Diagonal
Hanna SomaticsSpineSpinal MusclesPelvisHipLow BackSomatic MovementThomas HannaWalkingPainPostureHipsMotor CortexHanna Somatic EducationErector SpinaeSomatics For YouRectus AbdominisPsoasIliopsoasSomatic ExercisesThoraxShouldersPelvic TiltLow Back PainRelease Low BackSomatic CenterBack PainComfortable SittingSeated PostureArch and Curl on the DiagonalCat Routine 4ObliquesContralateralSpinal RotationRibcage