The circuity on this solar rock light had a few weird features that took me a long time to suss out. They're good features though - especially the polarity protection on the changeable lithium cell. There's also an option on the PCB to replace that with a link for hard wired cells.
The charge control chip is unusual in that it also has a dusk sensor function. A brief search on the 'net didn't find any data on it. But it will basically monitor the cell voltage to protect it against overcharge and low voltage. Unusually, it doesn't have the common resistor/capacitor filter for stable voltage monitoring that many similar devices have.
It's a pretty good design with some thoughtful features like the reverse cell protection. That suggests that they may be actively encouraging the replacement of the cell if needed for product longevity. Or it might just be to protect against accidental cell polarity incidents at the factory.
For indoor use it would be viable to add your own TP4056 module for USB recharging.
Another worthy mod would be to replace the cool white LED with a warm white one for a gentler glow.
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