Magic (1978) is a chilling psychological horror film that delves into the dark recesses of the mind. Anthony Hopkins delivers a haunting performance as Corky, a struggling magician who achieves fame with the help of his ventriloquist dummy, Fats. As Corky's reliance on Fats grows, the line between man and puppet blurs, spiraling into a disturbing tale of madness, manipulation, and murder. Directed by Richard Attenborough and based on William Goldman’s novel, Magic is a suspenseful exploration of control and the fractured psyche.
Directed by: Richard Attenborough
Written by: William Goldman (screenplay and novel)
Produced by: Joseph E. Levine
Anthony Hopkins as Corky
Ann-Margret as Peggy Ann Snow
Burgess Meredith as Ben Greene
Ed Lauter as Duke
Clarification on Copyright and Public Domain Film Remastering
The Moving Light Classics channel showcases masterpieces like Magic, bringing them to new audiences with enhanced visuals and sound. For inquiries, contact us.
Usage and Distribution Notice
This remaster of Magic (1978) is an exclusive project by Moving Light Classics. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is not allowed. Contact us for usage permissions or collaborations.
Moving Light Classics
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